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Seventh College Student Council

students working on a project

Seventh College Student Council (7CSC) members are Seventh College students dedicated to representing the student body on committees, through programming, and in decision making at the College and University level.

Learn More About 7CSC

Visit the 7CSC website to meet the students representing Seventh College for 2024-2025 and learn more about their responsibilities, projects, and how you can get involved.

Executive Committee Positions

  • President

    The President serves as the speaker and official representative of the 7CSC and the Seventh College Student Body.

    This position is a voting member of Council, but shall vote only when their vote will affect the outcome or in any private ballot vote.  The President serves as the chair of weekly Executive and General Body Meetings and serves as an ex-officio member of all 7CSC Committees.

  • Vice President Internal

    Coordinates member training and retreats as well as Council collaborations and forums,  facilitates communication with internal committee representatives and serves as chair of the Internal committee. Acts as President in their absence.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings as well as chair the Internal Committee and Rules Committee.

  • Vice President External

    Coordinates the appointments process for all non-elected positions in both Spring and Fall Quarters, facilitates communication with external committee representatives and serves as chair of the External committee.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings as well as chair the External Committee and Appointments Committee.

  • Treasurer

    Drafts the oversees annual budget, presenting status updates and estimate account balances regularly; acts as a liaison between 7CSC and the College Business Office.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings as well as chair the Finance Committee.

  • Secretary

    The Secretary works to keep 7CSC running in and beyond weekly meetings by maintaining the Seventh College Student Council website, agendas, attendance, and meeting minutes as the public record of Council. Thus, the position calls for an accessible and meticulous approach to behind the scenes leadership. The secretary must also feel comfortable communicating openly with members and advisors of the council while ensuring transparency in council affairs. 

    This position is non-voting and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings as well as support the Rules Committee.

  • Parliamentarian

    The Parliamentarian assists the President with the operation of 7CSC meetings, specifically ensuring that meetings operate according to parliamentary procedure and in accordance with 7CSC rules and procedures. The Parliamentarian is someone with a passion and respect for rules and order who upholds proper procedure. Thus, this position is rooted heavily in being, and working with, leaders of 7CSC, though with slightly less demanding responsibilities. 

    This position is non-voting and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings as well as serve as Vice-Chair of the Rules Committee.

  • Director of Events

    Responsible for oversight, production, and marketing of student centered events; represents the Events Board on 7CSC.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings as well as chair the Events Board meetings.

  • Director of Spirit

    Responsible for oversight, production, and marketing of student centered events dedicated to the enhancement of Seventh College and Triton spirit; represents the Spirit Board on 7CSC and the Triton Tide committee.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings as well as chair the Spirit Board meetings.

  • Judicial Board Chair

    The Judicial Board Chair represents and leads the Judicial Board, a board of Seventh College students which hears and decides on matters of procedural violations, conduct, and impeachments within 7CSC. The position calls for an unbiased and decisive approach to ensuring 7CSC conducts itself in accordance with 7CSC governing documents for the greater benefit of the Seventh community. 

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly Executive and General Body Meetings.

Internal Representative Positions

  • Student At Large

    Actively communicates college and campus-wide academic interests and issues to Seventh College students, administrators and council. Works in collaboration with other student representative positions to advocate for the needs and concerns of Seventh College students through policy and projects.  

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • Commuter At large

    Represents the needs and concerns of Seventh College commuter students on the 7CSC and in All Campus Commuter Board meetings. This representative will plan at least one event or initiative per quarter targeted toward non-residential students in Seventh College.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • Synthesis Program Representative

    The Synthesis Program Representative presents student perspectives and feedback to the Synthesis Program Director and Coordinator.  The position advocates on behalf of Seventh College students and works to provide a student voice to guide the program and its curriculum and calls for a passion and vision for what a Changing Planet means for Seventh College, and how these ideas can be translated into larger student-led projects. 

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • Out-of-State Representative

    Represents the needs and concerns of Seventh College students for whom their home is outside the state of California on the 7CSC. This representative will plan at least one event or initiative per quarter targeted toward out-of-state students in Seventh College.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • International Student Representative

    Represents the needs and concerns of Seventh College students for whom their home is outside the United States on the 7CSC. This representative will plan at least one event or initiative per quarter targeted toward international students in Seventh College.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • Transfer Representative

    Represents the needs and concerns of Seventh College transfer students on the 7CSC and in Transfer Advisory Board meetings. This representative will plan at least one event or initiative per quarter targeted toward transfer students in Seventh College.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • First Year Representative

    The First Year Representative represents their cohort on 7CSC.  They develop initiatives and advocate for the needs of the students that they represent, support 7CSC members on initiatives, and connect with the Associated Students First Year Senator on collaborative projects. 

  • Second Year Representative

    The Second Year Representative represents their cohort on 7CSC.  They develop initiatives and advocate for the needs of the students that they represent and support 7CSC members on initiatives. 

  • Third Year Representative

    The Third Year Representative represents their cohort on 7CSC.  They develop initiatives and advocate for the needs of the students that they represent and support 7CSC members on initiatives. 

  • Fourth Year Representative

    The Fourth Year Representative represents their cohort on 7CSC.  They develop initiatives and advocate for the needs of the students that they represent and support 7CSC members on initiatives. 

  • Student Organizations Representative

    The Student Organization Representative supports the recognition of Seventh College registered student organizations and ensures that they have the resources and tools they need to succeed. Thus, this student should be a passionate communicator and leader who cares about upholding the values of Seventh, building traditions, and paving the way for new organizations. 

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and coordinate and chair quarterly meetings of Seventh College Student Organization representatives.

  • Resident Assistant Liaison

    The Resident Assistant (RA) Liaison is a current Seventh College RA and acts as the liaison between 7CSC and the Seventh College Residence Life Office. They are responsible for disseminating and promoting 7CSC events and information to RAs and Seventh College residents and ensuring residential information and feedback is provided to 7CSC.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and is appointed from a member of the Resident Assistant staff.

  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Advocate

    The Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Advocate informs the 7CSC about issues or topics related to diversity and social justice and the pertinence to Seventh College and its constituents; they work with students and administration to improve diversity efforts on campus, promote and advocate for diversity and inclusion within 7CSC related activities, events, decisions, initiatives.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

  • Environmental Justice Advocate

    The Environmental Justice advocate serves as the Seventh College representative on environmental justice initiatives within the 7CSC, throughout campus, and the surrounding community.  They develop and uphold relationships with environmental justice organizations, serving as liaison with campus resource centers, and advocating for victims disproportionately affected by natural disasters.

  • Sustainability Advocate

    The Sustainability Advocate informs the 7CSC about issues or topics related to sustainability; they work with students and administration to improve sustainability efforts on campus, promote and advocate for sustainable practices within 7CSC related activities, events, decisions, initiatives.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings.

External Representative Positions

  • Associated Students Senators

    Associated Student Senators attend UC San Diego Associated Students (A.S.) council, senate, and committee meetings and 7CSC meetings. Along with their partner Senator, they represent Seventh College to A.S. and act as the liaison between A.S. and 7CSC. Senators are responsible for two projects during their term in office.

    This position is a voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and weekly Associated Students meetings.

  • Housing, Dining, and Hospitality Representative

    The Housing, Dining & Hospitality (HDH) Advisory Committee Representative attends HDH meetings to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College and student needs. They inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to dining halls, housing facilities, and related services offered by HDH.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the HDH Committee.

  • Student Health and Well-Being Advisory Board Representative

    The Student Health and Well-being Advisory Board Representative attends meetings with the Student Health and Well-being Advisory Board to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College student needs. They report to and inform the 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes to student health and well-being programs and initiatives.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the Well-Being Advisory Board.

  • Student Transportation Advisory Committee

    The Student Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC) Representative attends STAC meetings to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College and student needs related to transportation on and around campus. They inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to construction, policy and infrastructure, shuttles, MTS, and related services.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the STAC Committee.

  • Civic Engagement Office (CEO) Representative

    The Civic Engagement Office (CEO) Representative serves on Student Outreach and Voter Access Committee (SOVAC) as the Seventh College representative and acts as the liaison between SOVAC and 7CSC. They help to educate students on voter rights and responsibilities, plan voter registration drives, and encourage civic engagement and civil discourse.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the CEO.

  • University Center Advisory Board Representative

    The University Centers Advisory Board (UCSB) Representative attends UCAB meetings to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College and student needs. They inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to construction, restaurant vendor contracts, operations, and related services.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the UCAB Committee.

  • Student Fee Advisory Committee Representative

    The Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) Representative advocates for Seventh College student needs as they relate to evaluating Student Fee Funded Units. They report to and inform the 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about proposed student fee uses, and advocates for the best interests of the university and students, and in compliance with existing policies and guidelines.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of SFAC.

  • Student Fee Advisory Committee Shadow

    The Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) shadow supports the SFAC Representative and acts in their absence as advocate for Seventh College student needs as they relate to evaluating Student Fee Funded Units. 

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of SFAC.

  • Basic Needs Representative

    The Basic Needs Representative attends Basic Needs Hub meetings to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College and student needs related to access to food, housing, transportation and other necessities. They inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to Basic needs services and policy.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the Basic Needs Committee.

  • Recreation Facilities Advisory Board Representative

    The Recreation Facilities Advisory Board (RFAB) Representative attends RFAB meetings to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College and student needs. They inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to recreation facilities, operations, and related services.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the RFAB Committee.

  • Academic Affairs Representative

    The Academic Affairs Representative attends Library Student Advisory Council (LSAC) meetings to represent and actively advocate for Seventh College and student needs. They inform 7CSC and the Seventh College student body about changes or updates to library facilities, operations, and related services.  Additionally they act as liaison between 7CSC and the Seventh College Dean of Advising in meetings pertaining to academics, general education requirements, and advising.

    This position is a non-voting member of Council and is required to attend weekly General Body Meetings and regular meetings of the RFAB Committee.


  • Events Board

    The Events Board is responsible for the coordination of quarterly social, educational, and cultural events for Seventh College students. The Committee also assists with planning campus-wide events including Welcome Week and additional quarterly programs. Committee membership is open to all Seventh College students.

    Positions Appointed in Spring and Fall Quarters

  • Spirit Board

    The Spirit Board represents Seventh College in collaborative programming between the College and UC San Diego Athletics and Recreation, including the annual Spirit Night programs. The Committee also assists with planning Welcome Week and quarterly programs. Committee membership is open to all Seventh College students.

    Positions Appointed in Spring and Fall Quarters


  • Judicial Board

    The 7CSC Judicial Board oversees the constitutional operation of 7CSC.  They cconduct formal hearings regarding violations or questions of interpretation of the Constitution and supporting documents of the 7CSC and support the appeals process in the elections process.

    Positions Appointed in Spring and Fall Quarters

7CSC Meetings

7CSC Meetings are held weekly on Thursday from 5:00-6:30 PM. 2024-2025 meetings will be held in the Seventh College Multi Purpose Room (Building 2, West) unless otherwise indicated. Meetings are open to the Seventh College student body and campus affiliated guests. If you would like to address 7CSC or submit a request to speak at a meeting, email


All eligible students are encouraged to apply. Seventh College Student Council does not consider race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, and/or other protected categories as part of the application and selection process.